About Us

We love to sell stuff. The only thing we love more than selling stuff is helping our clients sell stuff. At VividPoint Interactive, our goal is to bring clarity and direction to your online presence to generate more buzz, more fans, more customers, and more revenue. Our exclusive creative process always begins with this end goal in mind. After all, without sales, we're all out of a job.

We understand the difficulty in cutting through the clutter and knowing what tools and techniques will work for your business or organization. At VividPoint, we are experts at developing the strategy and tactics that allow companies to engage with online consumers in a meaningful way. Because we aren't just web developers, we're lifelong sales people.




We speak plainly, openly, and honestly throughout the entire development process about costs, return, and expectations. Pretty simple.



Developing web that makes a real impact on your bottom line. We don't design it or program it without a solid case on how it'll impact the numbers.



We're not afraid to talk real ROI. Try us.


Christy WilliamsVividPoint Interactive is the first digital agency of its type truly founded by sales people. Christy Williams founded VividPoint Interactive in the summer of 2010 after a diverse career in the sales and marketing field. Selling everything from radio advertising to video production to non-profit fundraising, she knew the importance of using every available online tool to help fill her sales channel.

So sure was Christy that she could help many different types of businesses increase their sales with a solid online strategy, that she left her job during a recession and became a new entrepreneur. So far, the response has been overwhelmingly positive, as our clients continue to help our business grow through word of mouth referrals.

At VividPoint, we feel that this is the most exciting time in the history of advertising and marketing, and we want to share that excitement with everyone we meet. Our passion shows through in the work that we do every day, and we look forward to sharing it with you soon.

Who We Can Help

Many different types of companies can benefit from our exclusive development process. From plug-and-play products for home-based businesses to custom RFP design for large-scale site redesigns. Feel free to contact us for more information.

  1. B to B
  2. Startups & Entrepreneurs
  3. Consumer Products and Services
  4. Non-Profits
  5. Healthcare
  6. Ad Agencies

Professional Development

Ongoing professional development is very important to us. We have representation on numerous boards and committees in the marketing and technology fields. Through networking, idea sharing, seminars, and speaking engagements, we make it a priority to keep our skills sharp and our style fresh.

  1. Advertising Federation
  2. American Marketing Association
  3. Ohio Web Leaders
  4. Techlife Ohio
  5. TechColumbus
  6. Business Networking International